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Writer's picture: CAPHLDCAPHLD

Los Angeles County PHL


Assists a Public Health Microbiology Supervisor in the operation of a public health laboratory unit by resolving technical problems and developing recommendations on new or alternative equipment, methods, or materials in addition to performing regular Public Health Microbiologist under the general direction of a Public Health Microbiology Supervisor.


Positions allocable to this class typically work in a specialized laboratory unit. Incumbents are responsible for expediting the conduct of standardized test procedures being performed by journeyman microbiologists by quickly and effectively resolving any technical problems or difficulties they may encounter. These may be problems of microorganism identification, equipment malfunction, or difficulties with reagents, media, or other materials and supplies which cause test results to be unreliable or otherwise questionable. Incumbents typically relieve on each workstation and fill in for absent microbiologists; they also perform those tests which are too infrequently requested to be assigned to a regular station. Their particular organizational role requires Public Health Microbiologists II to assist supervision in the identification and tryout of new equipment, methods, or materials to help determine feasibility or adaptability into the regular laboratory system, and to review the work of journeyman microbiologists to ensure its accuracy and completeness. Public Health Microbiologists II serve as the designated relief of Public Health Microbiology Supervisors I when the latter must be absent from the laboratory.

Please click here to view the job posting and apply.


California Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors
4600 Broadway, Suite 2300
Sacramento, CA, 95820

Webmaster: Ishita Gulati, M.S.

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