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Los Angeles County PHL

Department: Public Health

Posted date: 05/09/2024

Application deadline: continuous

Positions allocable to this class work under the general supervision of the Director and Assistant Director of the Bureau of Public Health Laboratories. Incumbents direct the activities of a single division of the Bureau of Public Health Laboratories comprised of several laboratory units, each headed by a Public Health Microbiology Supervisor I, and ancillary functions. Public Health Microbiology Supervisors II are responsible for analyzing and evaluating the operational needs and effectiveness of the units under their direction, redistributing personnel as necessary to meet fluctuating work load requirements, and counseling first-line supervisors in planning and organizing the work of their individual laboratories, in training their personnel, and in establishing and maintaining quality standards of performance, uniformity of procedures, development of improved procedures, the standardized reporting of results, and similar matters.

Essential Job Functions

  • Directs the work of several Public Health Microbiology Supervisors I, assesses the workload in their respective laboratory units, and determines the most equitable distribution of professional and ancillary personnel necessary to meet current demands.

  • Establishes and maintains within the laboratory units directed an effective program for the training and development of personnel designed to satisfy both employee and organizational needs.

  • Plans, develops, and implements, with approval of superiors, uniform standards and other criteria according to which individual employee and unit performance can be realistically evaluated.

  • Evaluates the performance of subordinate Public Health Microbiology Supervisors and, through them, the performance of technologists and ancillary personnel; counsels subordinates on steps they may need to take to improve performance.

  • Functions as a resource for subordinate supervisors; consults with and guides them in the selection of alternative solutions to varied administrative and technical problems including personnel problems.

  • Recommends purchase of new or additional equipment for use in divisional laboratory units, writes justifications and specifications, and gathers statistical data to support requests.

Please click here to view the job posting and apply.


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California Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors
4600 Broadway, Suite 2300
Sacramento, CA, 95820

Webmaster: Ishita Gulati, M.S.

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