A California Nonprofit Benefit Corporation, 501(c)(3)
CAPHLD Mission
The mission of the California Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors is to improve and protect public health through the promotion and advancement of public health laboratory practice.
CAPHLD Purpose
The primary purpose of this corporation shall be to promote and improve public health laboratory practices by:
Advising the California State Department of Public Health (CDPH), the California Conference of Local Health Officers (CCLHO), the County Health Executives Associates of California (CHEAC), appointed and elected officials and others, as appropriate, on public health laboratory matters.
Coordinating public health laboratory activities in California.
Promoting research and development to improve laboratory practices.
Publishing and disseminating information relating to laboratory practice.
Sponsoring and promoting training workshops and conferences on public health laboratory subjects.
Establishing and maintaining relationships and collaborative actions by public health laboratory activity that will promote and protect the public health.