A California Nonprofit Benefit Corporation, 501(c)(3)

Fellowship Program
Sponsored by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Office of the State Public Health Laboratory Director (OSPHLD), CDPH Laboratory Field Services (LFS) and the California Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors (CAPHLD).
About the program
The LabAspire Public Health Laboratory Director Fellowship Program, overseen by the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Center for Laboratory Sciences (CLS) and the California Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors (CAPHLD), trains and prepares qualified professionals to direct California Public Health Laboratories.
The LabAspire Fellowship is open to certified California Public Health Microbiologists (PHMs) with any of the following combinations of experience and education:
Currently working as a Public Health Laboratory Assistant Director, Manager, or Supervisor;
Currently working as Public Health Laboratory line staff with two or more years of high-complexity laboratory testing experience; and/or
Holding a doctoral degree in a scientific discipline related to medical microbiology or public health.
See more details of application instructions below:

See list of our recent LabAspire graduates
Stephanie Trammell, MPH, PHM, TS (ABB), DrPH (2023), HCLD (ABB - 2024)
Laboratory Director, Contra Costa Public Health Lab
Polen Sean, PhD, PHM, TS (ABB - 2023), HCLD (2024)
Assistant Director, Sonoma County Public Health Lab
Jessica Valdez, PhD, PHM, TS (ABB - 2022), HCLD (ABB - 2023)
Laboratory Supervisor, San Bernardino Public Health Lab
LabAspire Fellowship Program FAQ
LabAspire Public Health Lab Director Training Fellowship:
1) Why is the LabAspire Fellowship needed?
LabAspire Fellowship Program is needed on an ongoing basis to provide sustainability and continuation of public health laboratory management workforce development. Sustaining PHL directors may be needed due to:
a. Lack of full-time public health laboratory director running the lab.
b. Close-to-retirement current lab director.
c. Future expansion of the public health laboratory network and/or testing menu.
The program prepares candidates to meet Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) guidelines for Laboratory Director: a public health laboratory in the state of California cannot function without a qualified and board-certified Public Health Laboratory Director. In California, Public Health Laboratory Director (PHLD) must be a certified Public Health Microbiologist (PHM) per California Code of regulations (17 CCR § 1302) and must meet federal CLIA regulations (42 CFR 493.1405).
The program provides funding and mentorship opportunities to Fellows to meet these requirements.
2) What are the requirements for a Public Health Laboratory to enroll a candidate into the LabAspire PHLD Fellowship Program?
LabAspire Fellowship is open to any certified Public Health Microbiologist with any of the following combination of education and experience:
a. Currently working as a Public Health Laboratory Assistant Director, Manager, or Supervisor;
b. Currently working as Public Health Laboratory line staff with two or more years of high-complexity laboratory testing experience; and/or
c. Holding a doctoral degree in a scientific discipline related to medical microbiology or public health.
d. A recent adjustment in the eligibility requirement of being a ‘Certified PHM’ is considered for applying for the LabAspire Fellowship funding: If a candidate does not have a PHM certification but has a DrPH or a PhD in microbiology or related field then he/she MUST attain the PHM certification WITHIN THE FIRST YEAR OF FELLOWSHIP.
3) What is the enrollment process for the LabAspire Program?
Laboratory directors, managers or supervisors sponsoring a candidate should first notify Dr. Hamida Nusrat at Hnusrat@sfsu.edu, the LabAspire Program Coordinator about the candidate and request a Host Laboratory and Fellowship Application. Applications are also available on the CAPHLD website (www.CAPHLD.org) under ‘Workforce Development’. Completed application packets should be emailed to the following:
Dr. Katya Ledin: Katya.Ledin@cdph.ca.gov
Wilfred Velasco: Wilfred.Velasco@cdph.ca.gov
4) Why does the LabAspire Fellow need to be sponsored/hosted by a PHL?
The PHL also serves as the mentor and liaison between the LabAspire Fellow and the grant funds.
5) Which degree programs are currently eligible for LabAspire funding?
Officially, the online MPH and DrPH graduate programs meeting the specific requirements is from the University of South Florida (Overview | USF Health). The DrPH program which is acceptable through USF must be in the track of ‘Public Health and Clinical Laboratory Science and Practice’.
Other schools including UC Berkeley (Online MPH Programs | University of California, Berkeley) or University of Nevada at Reno (Online Master of Public Health (MPH) | School of Public Health | University of Nevada, Reno) may be considered for obtaining an MPH and/or DrPH/PhD through LabAspire Fellowship funding but approval will be based on case-by-case basis by the LabAspire Executive Committee.
6) Why is a PHM certification necessary qualification for LabAspire applicants?
It is very important that the LabAspire applicant possesses a PHM certificate because they need to be experts in various fields of public health microbiology including bacteriology, parasitology, virology, mycology and serology. A strong background and work experience in public health microbiology are key factors in gaining the confidence and expertise required by the future PHLD. It is important for the applicant to understand and have knowledge of the testing and reporting protocols and fundamentals of supervising personnel and managing a PHL.
7) Why is a supervisory position required for all the LabAspire Fellows?
The supervisory experience is mandatory in order to qualify for taking the board exam for becoming HCLD or PHLD through American Board of Bioanalysis (ABB). A LabAspire Fellow needs to fulfill minimum TWO years or more of supervisory experience either in the role of a ‘Supervisor’ or ‘Assistant Lab Director’.
8) Who approves/checks the performance of a LabAspire Fellow during the training program?
It is usually the Host Lab Director (mentor) who approves/checks the performance of a LabAspire Fellow during different phases of the training. The Lab Director will also review the quarterly progress reports submitted by the Fellow to track training progress and accomplishing required milestones.
9) What are the requirements to complete the LabAspire Fellowship?
Four basic requirements for successful completion of LabAspire Fellowship are:
a. Attaining a doctoral degree (DrPH or PhD)
b. Attaining PHM certification (if not already possessing) in the first year of Fellowship
c. Attaining 4 years of PHM work including two or more years of supervisory experience
d. Passing the ABB’s board qualification for PHLD or HCLD
10) How much time does it take to complete the LabAspire Fellowship?
Duration for completing LabAspire Fellowship depends on the existing qualification of the candidate at the time of application. It may range between 3-5 years. For candidates with a doctoral degree and PHM certification, it takes less time to complete the Fellowship and get qualified for the board exam compared to candidates who are working towards MPH or DrPH degrees.
11) Do LabAspire Fellows need to travel?
LabAspire Fellows are encouraged to attend conferences and off-site trainings for professional development to enhance their skills and expertise. Attending professional meetings helps in the transfer of knowledge as well as networking with other professionals in the field of public health. Fellows enrolled in graduate programs may be required to travel to meet with advisors at the university.
12) Is LabAspire Fellowship transferable from one jurisdiction (PHL) to another?
As a general rule, a LabAspire Fellow completes his/her Fellowship training at the host (sponsoring) lab. In case of retirement of the host lab director or relocation of the LabAspire Fellow to another lab for a justifiable reason, the LabAspire Fellowship can be transferred to another PHL willing to host the Fellow. This process involves official requests and documentation from both the previous host lab and the new host lab. There are a couple of instances of LabAspire Fellowship transfers in the past.
13) Are there any expenses that are not reimbursed for California Department of Public Health (CDPH) employees enrolled in the LabAspire Program?
CDPH employees may not be eligible for reimbursement of all expenses accrued during the Fellowship and is dependent on reimbursement guidelines at the state level. For example, it is generally difficult to get travel reimbursement for out of state travel and supplemental salary compensation for CDPH employees.
14) Why can’t all LabAspire Fellows be CDPH employees?
CDPH may lack sufficient funding opportunities as well as manpower to mentor/host all LabAspire candidates. On the other hand, local public health labs may offer more mentorship opportunities and can also request more funding for salary compensation, travel expenses for exams and conferences and tuition of the Fellows.
15) After completion of LabAspire Fellowship by achieving the PHLD or High Complexity Laboratory Director (HCLD) American Board of Bioanalysis (ABB) certification, are Fellows and their respective host labs allowed to request for funding for additional credentials?
The main purpose of LabAspire Fellowship funding is to support the eligible candidates for completing the educational and experience requirements to become future public health laboratory directors by acquiring either PHLD/HCLD through ABB OR Diplomate of American Board of Medical Microbiology (ABMM). The ABMM certification is approved by the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as well as CLIA and certifies doctoral-level microbiologists to direct clinical and public health microbiology laboratories and perform high-complexity testing.
If a public health laboratory wishes to extend its LabAspire funding request for allowing the Fellow to acquire additional certification/credential, then it needs to provide justification of the additional funding request in writing to the LabAspire Committee for review and subsequent approval or refusal.
16) We would like to host a LabAspire Fellow, but we don’t have a full-time Public Health Lab Director (PHLD). What are the options?
The LabAspire Fellowship mentor can be the part-time/interim PHLD or a PHLD from a different PHL.
LabAspire Workforce Training Grant Application:
1) What is the process for applying for a LabAspire grant?
The PHL sponsoring a LabAspire Fellow must first submit the ‘Host Application’ packet along with a letter of support from the Health Officer or Administrator from the local Health Department as part of the agreement for the workforce management training grant. The Host Application as well as the Fellowship Application packet is available at the CAPHLD website under ‘Workforce Development’ in the LabAspire Training Program link. The application packet can also be requested by reaching out to the LabAspire Program Coordinator, Dr. Hamida Nusrat at: Hnusrat@sfsu.edu
Please contact the individuals listed at the end of this document to start the agreement process.
2) What type of agreement is required for these PHL workforce training grants?
A formal contract is required between the LHJ and CDPH detailing the Fellows name, budget and securing the funds to be given to the LHJ.
The agreement should ensure all the necessary provisions for the Fellow to complete the training requirements as set forth by the academic institution (if applicable), supervisory position, completion of training requirements as per CDPH Laboratory Field Services (LFS)/California Association of Public Health Laboratory Directors (CAPHLD) committees and submission of periodic progress reports. Lab directors should ensure the budget covers allowable expenses.
3) What expenses are allowable during the Fellowship?
LabAspire funding is dedicated for the professional development and the required educational advancement of future public health lab directors. Therefore, the expenses must meet the intent of funding and the items listed in the host laboratory application for funding request. The funding generally covers expenditures accrued during the Fellowship, including but not limited to salary compensation, education (tuition for MPH or DrPH/PhD as applicable), travel for professional conferences/summer institutes/board exams (such as TS/HCLD/PHLD), supplies (laptops, media/reagents, stationery), educational resources (books, learning modules like LMU or MTS, Quizlet), registration fees for conferences/qualifying exams, per diem etc. The LabAspire funding is not meant for covering expenses related to non-educational personal activities such as travel expenses to attend graduation ceremony or purchasing regalia such as caps/gowns.
4) Who approves the expenses?
Approvals for program expenses vary between different LHJs. Generally, all expenditures must follow LHJ guidelines. Lab Directors should consult with their leadership and fiscal department when creating the budget.
At the LHJ, trainees incurring expenses first submit documents and receipts to their Lab Manager/Director and department leadership for review and approval. If approved, documents are sent to the fiscal department for reimbursement of the invoiced expenses from CDPH. It is to be noted that some LHJs may require additional information and/or verification from CDPH before approving the expenses.
5) How are the expenses paid?
Reimbursement of expenses from CDPH is handled by the LHJ fiscal department. When Fellows are paying out of pocket, they need to submit invoices as explained above. It’s important to understand your county’s reimbursement process to ensure that expenses can be reimbursed in a timely manner.
Contact Information
For general questions about the LabAspire program, eligibility requirements and application process: Contact the Program Coordinator, Dr. Hamida Nusrat at Hnusrat@sfsu.edu
For specific questions about funding, contracts, exceptional inquiries, award letter and renewal of funding, contact the following:
a. Dr. Katya Ledin at Katya.Ledin@cdph.ca.gov​
b. Wilfred Velasco at Wilfred.Velasco@cdph.ca.gov​
c. Amanda Moe at Amanda.Moe@cdph.ca.gov​
d. Andrew Knapp at Andrew.Knapp@cdph.ca.gov